Thursday, November 8, 2012

Our house

I forgot that November was good for something....COLLEGE BASKETBALL.

To hell with the snow, wind, rain, coldness, homework, tests, basketball is starting, so all of that doesn't matter anymore. Tomorrow, I'll be having my traditional Skype call back home to watch Duke's first game, which is on ESPNU. I don't care if it's against Georgia State. It could be against a high school team and I would still be this excited...not to mention that we're playing Kentucky on Tuesday. Like, the Kentucky. Big games early on = AWESOME. (Editor's Note: Right, so for anyone who's picked up reading my blog since March, I often refer to Duke as though I am a part of the team. Which I am.)

But what's equally as exciting is the start of the Stonehill basketball season. The men open up against Chestnut Hill College on Saturday, and I want it to be just as crazy as Cameron Indoor Stadium. That might be asking for a little too much, but it doesn't mean we can't come close. Remember the New Haven football game? Well we have another one of those on Saturday, too. Playoffs. Stonehill football in the playoffs, Stonehill men's basketball kicking off. Fun stuff. All three games (Duke, football, basketball) are home, too. Which brings the post title in play. Our house. Any time anyone wants to come to Merkert and try and beat us, they're going to have to do it on our home court, in our house. And it's not just the basketball teams' house. It's all of ours. All of Stonehill. Be at the first game to show everyone exactly what we think of our house. Be at the second game to do the same thing. Go to every game for that reason.

This post doesn't nearly encapsulate how excited I am for all of this. Maybe if you see me around campus tomorrow or Saturday you'll be able to tell. Either way....I'm pumped.

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