Monday, November 26, 2012

Less is more is less is more is less

Afterthoughts from a conversation that me and one of my friends in my suite were having from our math class...this all started from one of his friends from home going out and buying hipster clothing. Which we thought was un-hipster, in and of itself. And this seems totally plausible -- you can't make yourself hipster, it just has to happen...right? Here's an even deeper thought-provoking many people does it take for something to become mainstream? Think about it first in terms of clothing or accessories or music choice, but then think about it in terms of what it means to be a hipster as such. How many hipsters does it take before being hipster is mainstream?

And another thing. One fun game to play with your friends is to see who can be the least competitive. The more you try and be not competitive, the more competitive you seem. Anyone who claims that they're winning is immediately losing. Even if you walk away from the situation, you're still playing, because you're trying to be a noncompetitive as possible, thereby making you all the more competitive. HOW FUN IS THAT. Man, irony is awesome.

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