Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Real Twitter!

Alright so I just typed up an awesome post except Blogger wouldn't let me publish it because the servers were down or some nonsense like that. I've been on the other end of this, where people have told me they typed up a long response to a Facebook message, or typed up a lot of their essay, only to lose it. To which I think how much a simple Ctrl+C or vicious repetition of Ctrl+Z would help. Alas.

I have a real Twitter now. It will serve literally the exact same purpose as my pseudo-Twitter tab, except, you know, be real. If anything, it will be more of an extension into the deepest parts of whatever the hell I think about, and it might actually amount to a few laughs (I hope).

Here is where you can follow me on Twitter! Click...if you dare.

So that's that...I don't know why it took me so much longer to write this the first time. Anywho. In a preview of a blog post in the very upcoming future, I'm going to digress on photographic memories, statistics/chance, and blackjack. As in, does knowing every single card that came before, and being able to calculate the number of remaining cards in the deck really help you? I have no idea how I'm going to answer (or even properly ask) this question, but I'll sure try.

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