Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So I just got out of history class and have roughly 10 minutes for this blog post before calculus, so here goes.

I noticed something in history class today. No girls wear sneakers anymore. Like come on ladies, what's wrong with a pair of sneakers these days? Sure, it's barely spring (for those who don't know, I consider the start of spring to be March 1st. When it's 65 and sunny on March 19th, I'm not calling it winter, so the start of the month is a nice arbitrary day for me), but all I see anymore are Uggs, rainboots, other boots, and moccasins. That's just my petty annoyance from that.

Another thing I noticed in history that isn't as petty is the word 'like.' Rather, the filler 'like.' Because hardly anyone uses 'like' in its proper context anymore. Don't get me wrong, I misuse it sometimes too, but I like to think (and am pretty sure) that I don't use it every 4-6 words like some people in their conversations. So I've decided to arbitrarily pseudo-judge people's intelligence based on how frequently they say 'like' in conversation.

And, finally, door holding. Apparently it's some sacred culture here at Stonehill, and my literature professor from last semester couldn't say enough about it. People hold doors 1) more frequently than they should, and 2) for longer than they should. When I am at least seven paces away, by the time I arrive at the door, had you not been holding it, it would have been closed. I am perfectly capable of opening a door, thank you very much. I understand the attempt at politeness, but is that where we should be putting our politeness into? Instead of holding doors open for 5 seconds, let's try and sound more intelligible in conversation. It's just like better.

(See what I did there? It's actually not just like better because it sounds dumb.)

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