Monday, January 10, 2011

What It's Like to Do Nothing With My Life

When I woke up on Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010, it was about 7:45am. I hopped out of my bunk bed in my room at Stonehill, showered, changed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and kicked my French final's ass.

When I woke up on Monday, January 10th, 2011, it was about 11:45am. I thought it was Tuesday. I tossed around in bed for about ten minutes before realizing my mom was going shopping, and I needed to tell her what to buy me for school. After I did that, I went back upstairs to bed and laid in bed for another ten minutes. It was only after a shower that I decided I would be somewhat productive today.

But c' productive is "somewhat productive" in the middle of winter break? Let me tell you...I sent out a few emails that I had planned to send out days ago, bookmarked a few songs on YouTube that I was planning on downloading but was too lazy to download at that moment, ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast at 12:30, and whatever happened between then and right now is white space. As in whatever I did for the last 3 or so hours clearly wasn't important enough for my memory to bother with. I watched some of The Office, and some Sportscenter...that I do remember...

The days seem so long, and this is because I do nothing with the days at my disposal. But what would I even do? I have no motivation to anything. I mope back and forth between my TV and my laptop, picking up the guitar every once in a while. I said this at the end of every summer in high school, and at the end of every December, February, and April vacation - I'll be looking forward to be going back to school, since I'll actually have something to do. When I get back from Stonehill in the middle of May, my goal is to watch all 6 seasons of Lost before high school gets out at the end of June, because I know I'll have that much free time on my hands. (For you mega-Lost fans, don't praise me. I'm watching it all one final time to ultimately be done with it. I continue to maintain to this day that Lost was simultaneously the greatest and worst TV show ever.)

I can even tell that my blog post is going nowhere...I've been talking about doing nothing for 3 paragraphs now, but I feel as though this isn't a productive blog post. Although isn't that the point of this? To show that I've done nothing for the last 2 weeks? I suppose a blog post about doing nothing is the best way to effectively describe how I've done essentially nothing.

A piece of advice to people who are in the same lethargic state of mind as me: Get out as fast as you can.

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