Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wet and Naked

So I've known something for quite some time now - I know where I do my best thinking...in the shower. Something about being wet and naked just makes me think a lot clearer than I do in any other setting. Seriously...I don't know what it is, but I plan my entire day out in the shower. What to do, when to do it, how to do it, what to do after that, when I can relax for a few minutes, etc. And it works! Despite the fact that 40% of what was on my floor is now on my bed, my room is the cleanest it has been since I got home for winter break. This wouldn't have happened if not for my epic planning skills in the shower.

Ever eager to know why things are they way they are, I went to the almighty Google. People's suggestions were that you're cleaner in the shower (which came as no surprise to me), so it's easier for oxygen to go to your brain. Actually now that I think about that, that doesn't really make a ton of sense. I mean I'm in an enclosed space (sliding doors) with hot water and steam...how can biology do anything to me?

Now that I once again have no sufficient answer, I'll make up my own. Everything seems to just go away in the shower. I can't hear anything, no one can hear me (I hope...), so it's just me and my thoughts. But what separates the shower from any other time that I'm alone with my thoughts? Which brings me back around to the title of this post...wet and naked. Maybe that's the condition in which I think best, not necessarily in the shower...in any case, I'm not going to continue questioning what works. Maybe I'll find out the answer tomorrow morning. By which I mean like 12:30pm...because, you know...it's winter break and the morning for me is the afternoon for the rest of the world.

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