Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Metablogging, pt. 2

If there's one thing that I love, it's the prefix "meta" which means....well, I don't really know what it means. Self-referential is what I said in my first metablogging post. If there's another thing that I love, it's having multiple parts of something on my blog (Jam Band, Values Game, This I Believe, time, to name a few). So this is both of those things. While my first metablogging post was literally about the blog posts as an entity, this one is about what those blog posts actually consist of -- at least, nowadays. What I feel about my blog is that it's become this place where I just talk about really important stuff on a less-frequent basis that I used to talk about stuff. But like I said, this stuff now is more important, more meaningful in the grand scheme of all things blog-worthy. I'm not gonna come out with something lame and call it a day. I suppose that it's an okay thing to have meaningful stuff coming out of here, but in a way, it almost makes it seem that blogging is some exhausting task that I have to do every time something significant happens. For example, I'm definitely planning on blogging about Terry Francona's book once I finish it in the coming days. But that's something that I know I can get a solid blog post about, so I make sure to take care of it. And you can see it, too - everything is much more Facebook-status-worthy, and I post everything, but the most telling thing is that I have fewer posts each month. Which is what this all comes down to - less frequent posts, but with more depth to them. Maybe the form of the blog is changing a little bit. It's cool to rethink things and to reevaluate where I'm at and what I'm really doing with this blog, and it's something that I think is worth the internal struggle.

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