Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Conservation of love

This isn't really something I'm planning on going into a whole lot of depth on. Partly because I don't really know what detail it consists of, partly because I've bawled my eyes out enough tonight, and partly because life goes on. Physics homework, editing and printing a paper, and some self-fulfillment of my soul are necessary before I go to sleep tonight. This is going to work on the latter.

Right now, I imagine love kind of like matter or energy. Granted, I didn't think this until only a couple of days ago, but I think that this is something I'll believe for a very long time. Energy and matter are conserved, meaning that none is ever lost. There are probably lots of other things I could say about that to make it more understandable, but I'll leave it at this.

Love is like this. Never lost. Namely in someone's passing. Yeah, when someone whom we love, and loves us, leaves us, we've lost that love with that person. But it's not destroyed. It is conserved and sent elsewhere. In the hearts of the ones closest to us, in the hearts of those closest to who we've lost. We still love that person we've lost, even if they might not be around to see it. Everyone else who remains with us will see it, and have a little part of their own love to keep, and to share with everyone else.

Think of a snow globe. Or any sphere, or container, or whatever. I like the idea of a snow globe. Everything is contained. Nothing comes in, nothing goes out. Love is a snow globe.

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