Friday, May 23, 2014


Play this, then keep reading.

Do you hear that one note in the background, staying constant? It's going to be there for the next seven minutes, and is the idea behind this post. I tried to imagine this one note, and construe some mental representation of what it looked like, and I came up with a line, a rope of sorts. One thread that just kind of extends into infinity. I've always loved the musical structure of this one-note-persisting kind of thing, how it's omnipresent and never changing. After I visualized this line, I wanted to travel along it, and soon thereafter I came up with this idea that this line is my life. Just one, infinite string of everything that has ever happened to me, and everything that will ever happen to me. Not that I'm plugging determinism, but a little ways down the line, whatever food (if any) I decide to eat for breakfast tomorrow, that's along that line. How I react to whichever team ends up winning the Stanley Cup is along that line. How I die is along that line, and how I was born is along that line. This is one line out of an infinite number of possible lines that could have ended up as my life. But I have this one, and you have yours. One single thread to trace up and down, to look back at and to discover in the future.

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