Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Last post from WatertOwn

It's amazing how much music can influence my mood. Yesterday, watching Dexter, I was immediately put into a melancholy mood after listening to one of the piano pieces in the show. Today, as recent as three minutes ago, I was feeling love as I listened to "Crash Into Me." Needing to be in Stonehill mode, I put this guy on in iTunes. Nothing like the Peer Mentor theme song of the year to get me going.

But, as I said, this is about Stonehill, not music. Having moved most of my stuff into New Hall on Sunday, move-in today will take no more than ten minutes. My room just needs to have the finishing touches put on, and I'm ready to go. Ready to go, I like that. That's how I feel about Stonehill now - in my nine-day-long hiatus in Watertown, I knew that I needed to essentially compress fifteen weeks of being at home during the summer into one. I think I did pretty well, but now that said hiatus is over, it does feel like Stonehill mode. I'm excited to get back with the Orientation team, to have everyone at school at the same time, to start classes, and to have what I'm already planning on being the best year at Stonehill so far.

I dunno, I just feel it. You know that feeling where you're just ready? For myself, I call it "let's go" mode. I remember saying it repeatedly during comebacks in baseball and basketball in high school, I remember saying it to anyone who would listen right before the run-in at Orientation...it mainly just involves extensive head nods and high fives, but the feeling is so awesome. It's the adrenaline rush before anything even happens. I'm just ready. Let's go.

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