Wednesday, July 6, 2011

8 things that ruled in both my early childhood and my early adulthood

Let's face it, there will always be a kid inside of each of us. Some of us have that inner child in them more than others, and I bet that I'm one of those people - which I'm totally fine with - I love having fun and being silly and acting like a clown because it makes me happy and it makes others happy. Can't argue with that logic. With that in mind, here are eight things that were awesome back in the day, and are still awesome today.

1. It's one of the most joyous things in the world to get a Mack truck to pull its horn. I came to this revelation during Stonehill Orientation, when I was outside welcoming cars into a parking lot off of the main road. There were at least a dozen trucks to pass by, and I was out there clad in purple jumping up and down feigning a pulling motion to communicate with them to do the same. It was honestly so great when they actually did it, and I always gave them a thumbs up and a huge smile.

2. This is more of a truth than something that's awesome, but it happens every time without fail, so I figured I'd include it. If you're sitting down, you're going to start picking the grass. It's a fact of life.

3. Speaking of things that are inevitably going to happen, if there are hors d'oeuvres out, and included are crackers and cheese, there will be cracker-and-cheese sandwiches. And they will all be delicious. Double-stacks and triple-stacks encouraged.

4. Razor scooters still continue not only to be a great means of transportation, but they're also exceedingly cool! I loved having one during my freshman year of college, and despite the fact that I'll have a car on campus for the fall semester, everyone at Stonehill will see me ridin' dirty.

5. Every time a song comes on that was used in a video game years before, I'll always point it out. A couple prime examples are The Anthem by Good Charlotte (Madden 2003) and Joker and the Thief by Wolfmother (MLB The Show 07). And it's always true that someone else knows exactly where the song came from too.

6. It's one of the greatest feelings in the world when you have a stuffy nose and you position yourself on your side so your nose is magically cleared. (Editor's Note: This just happened to me and was the inspiration for this thing that ruled - I'm not doing all 8 of these at once, since I could only think of 3 or 4 at the time I started the post.) And you try so hard not to move at all from that exact spot, since one millimeter the wrong way will ruin everything. You definitely savor every second you can like that, because soon, you're just gonna go back to having a stuffy nose again.

7. Every summer, I always look forward to listening to the Red Sox on the radio when they make a West Coast trip to Los Angeles, Oakland, or Seattle. Maybe even Texas and some of those Central/Mountain Time Zone games. It's just a great feeling to fall asleep with just a sheet and the windows open and the fan running, and the faint sound of the radio in the background.

8. Pokemon may be simultaneously the greatest childhood game ever, and the biggest destruction-by-expansion game ever. Think bad sequels (Shrek). But we're not here to talk badly about anything - we're glorifying things for what they were. Not only was Pokemon obviously awesome during my first years in double-digit age, it was awesome during my last years of teenagerhood. The end of my senior year of high school was filled with bringing my purple Game Boy to school and playing it whenever I had a free period (thank you, two studies), as well as parts of my summer. The Yellow version was my game of choice, obviously - who wouldn't love having Pikachu follow them around? I also kept Pokemon alive during my first semester at Stonehill, where I played Silver on a DS Emulator on my laptop. That is, until I couldn't beat the Elite Four anymore. Then I kinda just quit.

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