Sunday, February 9, 2014

Breaking Bad series finale running diary

Well, everyone’s been talking about Breaking Bad like it’s the best show ever, and I’m sure the series finale has something to do with that. So, I figured I would give it a running diary as I watch the final episode in the series. Spoiler alerts galore, and I’m even going to throw out a caveat that there are Dexter spoilers that will probably happen, because I’ve seen similarities between the two shows since I first started Breaking Bad. I’ll assume that anyone reading this has already seen the finale and entire show, so if you ever go back to it, check this out again. I’m sure I’ll rewatch the finale at some point in time, so it’ll be cool to have this as a reference. Without further ado…

3:30 This show has always been great with its music, especially using very upbeat, lighthearted music when that’s the last thing we expect to be playing. (Like during any of Walter and Jesse’s cooks.)

5:50 Walter’s totally gonna kill Elliot and Gretchen Schwartz. He’s probably gonna kill everyone. In all seriousness though, I’ve almost been waiting this entire series for someone to commit suicide in the heat of the moment, in some grand, ultimate panic that leaves whatever character with seemingly no way out. Hasn’t happened, and I’m saying it now in case it happens in the next 49 minutes.

11:15 So…he’s gonna kill them by drowning them in all of the wads of cash? Guess I was wrong on the him murdering them part.

13:00 It’s been pretty obvious this entire series that the presiding theme is family, and it’s been pretty obvious that Walter has done anything he can to protect his family, does everything for his family. But at times it just seems as though he’s so far detached from that idea, or even so far invested in the idea, that there is absolutely nothing he can do for his family.

14:35 NOPE HE’S GONNA DO IT I totally thought he was turning on the classical music or something like that but he’s totally got two people ready to kill Elliot and Gretchen whenever they feel like it. See this kind exactly my point though, Walter is doing so much for his family that he’s effectively doing nothing for his family because he’s throwing everything away in the process.

17:08 HAH maybe I should stop trying to understand what’s happening and just let it happen, especially because Badger and Skinny Pete are the two biggest wild cards in the history of wild cards.

21:12 I’m digging the flashbacks to some of the first episodes of the series. It’s simple, but it gets so much done in terms of showing us how far the series (and characters) progressed.

25:27 IT’S THE RICIN! That was the most intentional shot of a mug of tea that I’ve ever seen in my life, especially coming after we were just watching Walter retrieve it from his home.

32:48 Walter’s definitely tying up the remaining loose ends of his life. Similar to Dexter……WAIT Walter just said he did all of this for himself. Took him long enough…I’m not sure what’s up with his crazy eye right now but this might be one of the few moments where Walter has some semblance of a heart and is displaying real emotion. If you haven’t read it, read my previous post, about pretty much exactly this realness that Walter has lacked.

41:20 I hate Todd’s stupid family. I don’t think I have to elaborate too much on this, but they’re by far my least favorite people ever.

42:44 I think this is going to end with one of the main characters (one of the ones we like, at least) dying.

45:13 HOLY.

46:15 Yeah HELL YEAH Pinkman. This music is great right here.

52:52 Wait, seriously, he’s going to cook? After all this? Oh, no, the police are coming, that makes more sense.

53:41 Hm. This seems much closer to the ending of Lost than Dexter. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I almost wish there was more resolve to this, I mean I know he murdered everyone he needed to, and to some extent made amends with those he needed to make amends with, but I dunno. Obviously no one thought it was important enough for us to find out what happens to everyone else who’s still alive, although even that seems pretty resolved. I’m not sure. Maybe I just need more time to process it. Hell of a show though. 

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