Friday, September 27, 2013

10 similarities between freshman and senior years

Sophomore year, I posted about the differences between freshman and sophomore years. I had full intent to blog about the differences between freshman and senior years, but after consideration, I think it'd be more fun to talk about some similarities. Here are ten of them:

1. I'm still taking classes that make me blog. You can go back to the spring of 2011 and see how much philosophy I blogged, and you can go back in the previous three weeks and see how much I've been blogging about my Gender & Sexuality Studies class. I think Philosophy will win out as my favorite class ever, but to know that I can still blog about classes is fun.

2. I'm still broadcasting basketball. I only started with a few games freshman year, but the fact that this is one of the only things I've done for all four years is pretty exciting. It's awesome to get involved in stuff as a first-year, and it's also awesome when those things are still part of your life senior year.

3. I have the same friends. I think. By "same friends" I mean the people I became really close with freshman year, and either live with them now, or are still very close to them, in different and unique ways. Sure, there was that weeding out process over the first two or three weeks, but I think that it's awesome that I've had a fairly reliable group of friends.

4. I still have the same [expletive] laptop. This would have been an okay thing if I was blogging anytime before the start of this year, but I think my laptop sensed that it was starting its fourth year, and promptly started being terrible at being a laptop. I'd love to say more about this, but I only have 8% left and my laptop is about to shut down on me. More to come later......

5. I still have a Razor scooter. I say "a" and not "my" because the red scooter I had for a few years finally broke, so I picked up a green one that my grandparents had lying around there house from when I was like seven. So I still have an awesome scooter to ride around, which is mega fun.

6. I'm still a Math major. This may come as a surprise to no one, but that fact that I'm in the small group of people who came in with a major and didn't change it also seems cool. Sure, I picked up Psychology along the way, but Math has been there since day one, and will be my primary degree.

7. I still blog. Sure, maybe not as often, and maybe about way different (and possibly deeper) stuff, but the fact that I kept this up and haven't gone for a hiatus is something that I'm proud of. I could come to learn that no one reads this and I would keep doing it.

8. The Party Animals poster tradition is still going strong. I don't really remember how this whole thing started freshman year - I mighta just got the idea and went with it, because I had the poster first. (Since it's an awesome poster, naturally.) Now it's taken on a personality of its own, and will definitely find some space on the walls of future places I occupy.

9. Other traditions have continued on, too. The first is Secret Santa that all of us do, which is a lot of fun, and there's an end-of-semester tradition that I'll leave implicit until I blog about it later this year. Because I know I'm going to, and I know that it will secretly have some of the strongest meaning for me to represent my four years at Stonehill.

10. This place is still awesome. I'm venturing a little away from this particular blog post, and instead towards the general idea of Stonehill and what it means to me, but I'm fine with that. One thing that I know hasn't changed is what I think of this place. There really is something special about being here, and it has presented itself in many shapes and forms over the last 3+ years. I can already tell that there will be hard blog posts to write, especially my fourth and final end-of-a-Stonehill-year blog post, days before graduation. But there's still some work to do before that.

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