Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The world is ending in ten minutes

So, I wrote this post last night before I left this morning for San Diego. The end.

Alright, alright, I can't sleep until I do this. I'm listening to The Only Moment We Were Alone in bed, preparing to wake up at 4:00am to get ready to go to San Diego. For whatever reason, tonight, I prayed. This isn't the first time I've prayed - I do it in bed every once in a while. Not even to talk to God or's very simple, really. In whatever position I'm at in bed, I'll find a way to interlock my fingers and just "talk" to God in my head. I capitalize God here because that's how I learned to pray, when my mom would tuck me and my sister in our rooms when we were younger. "Dear Lord, thank you for the beautiful day, and for all the wonderful things we did..." always starts my prayer. Then I'll thank God for some stuff, and ask for different things - sometimes, to not be angry, sometimes, to protect my family and keep everyone healthy, but tonight, I asked to please let me keep the love I have for everyone with me, in my heart, wherever I am. And I thought about that, about keeping love with you. And how, in that moment, I couldn't think of anything more beautiful than knowing everyone who you want to love you, knows that you love them. All bullshit aside, no matter what, those people know you love them. And for whatever reason, I thought about the only Values Game question I have any real difficulty answering: "If the world were ending in ten minutes, what would you do?" I've always said that I would cry until I knew what to do next, which has always been truthful, but for a lack of any real idea of what I would do if the world were ending in ten minutes. But thinking about that love, that I have for the people I love, and that they have for me, knowing that such a love exists is all I need for the end of the world. I thought further, and concluded that, yeah, I do have that love. Sometimes it's not always apparent or obvious, but deep down, I love everyone who loves me. I love everyone who has had an impact on my life, in any way. I wouldn't be right here, in bed, 43 minutes after when I wanted to fall asleep, without this chain of events. And if the last ten minutes of my life are spent knowing the world will end, well, I'll be a happy man. I'll listen to First Breath After Coma, time it so the ending happens at the same time as the world ending, and think about this love.

Alright, I've been typing on my phone for eleven minutes now, so here's a recap of what just happened -- this started out as some semblance of a diary entry for myself (not that I have one (not that this blog wouldn't count, I just don't have an explicit diary)), turned into this exposition of a grand realization, and now comes the part where you get to play along and think about your own life and your place in this universe. I ask you what has burdened me for a couple of years now: the world is ending in ten minutes. What do you do?

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