Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hazard lights

On my way home from school this morning, I noticed that traffic had considerably slowed down as soon as I hit I-95N. I saw one van in the middle lane with its hazard lights on, and figured that something was wrong with the car. Something like that. I kept driving and noticed a few other cars with hazard lights on, and then more and more - there was a funeral procession in the right lane of the highway.  There were at least twenty cars I saw, all in the right lane, one after another, with their hazard lights on. At the beginning of the procession were two police cruisers, the hearse, and a bus. There I was, blasting music and singing along, while at the exact same moment, dozens of people were mourning the loss of a loved one. I know that that moment was something that would come and go, but it will serve as an anecdotal reminder for me that at any given moment, we don't know what others are experiencing, whether it's joy, sorrow, happiness, pain, or anything else. Right now, some people are competing and honoring their country in the Olympics - at this same time, other people are being sent to prison, possibly for crimes they did not commit. It's just cool to me, and also important, to be aware of everything going on in the world. As it comes to me. Yeah, I don't watch the news, or read the news, or follow politics, or anything like that, but it doesn't mean I can't take a step back and see what's going on. And the answer is, a lot.

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