Saturday, March 24, 2012

The next time I get stung by a bee

The first time I was stung by a bee, I had no idea it happened until the next day. I must have stepped on it and not felt it, because when I went to bed with hives that night (in 2004), I had no idea why. After five years of immunotherapy shots, if I get stung by a bee, it will have the same reaction as though anyone else were stung. With the possibility that much more severe things could happen. Which is okay, because the chances are next to nothing, but, being a man of numbers, is greater than nothing. Luckily, they have Epi-Pens.

But what will happen the next time I'm stung by a bee? Like I said - most likely, nothing will happen, but like I also said, there's the chance that something bad happens. But I also feel like it'd be kinda cool to wait and see if anything actually happened. Like in some movie where the heroes cut the wire that was connected to the bomb that would destroy the entire city, and they have to wait five seconds to see if it was the right wire. Something like that.

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