Thursday, February 5, 2015

John 8:32

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

What is the truth?

Sure, that's a fairly loaded question to open a blog post with, but think about it for a minute. Tell me what the truth is. Who do you trust? What do you trust them with?

I haven't given this serious thought for more than 15 minutes, but my early reaction is that truth is on a similar vein as being smart or intelligent, which I've talked about before, where we don't have a hard, operational definition of it. It's more of a malleable concept, and in which case, may not really mean anything at all.

I'm also considering trust/truth as an emotional concept, very similar to that of home. Where if you have trust in a person, or perhaps God, that this connection pulls a certain heart string and you feel it when you have it. Maybe trust is pressing your forehead against another and talking about life and death. Maybe it's a hand on your back as yours are occupied by your face, full of tears and sorrow.

I'll take the brief emotional surge as evidence that the last two sentences may lead me on the right path. Maybe trust is knowing someone well enough where one sentence can set them on the right path, where one song can ease their worries.

This might not be the last time I blog about this idea. I hope it's not, because it is fascinating to me at the moment. In the mean time, here is a song that may get you thinking about truth.

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