Friday, July 26, 2013

The philosopher House

"As the philosopher Jagger once said, you can't always get what you want."
 - House, "Pilot"

And so begins the conquest to watch every episode of House. Going through House a second time (well, probably fourth if you count failed attempts and marathons on USA) will be much different from going through Lost again - the latter was more for entertainment, and so I could see little things that I missed seeing it live on ABC. With House, my plan is to actually write down my favorite episodes, and talk about why I love those particular ones. Here, actually. I'll be forced to think about my favorite TV show in a different way, which is totally awesome. Having seen every episode at least once, I can already tell the differences between House circa Season One and the House at the end of the series. The humor and wit are still there, but House becomes a lot more alive as the series progresses. I'm sure that this is something that I'll be thinking about as I get farther into the series, as well as other dynamics of the show and the messages that it tries to send.

On a slightly unrelated note, I would like to mention that this is the first time in a while where I have a fairly lame post title. That is, if you don't think that any of the post titles between now and this post were lame. But my rationalization for its use is that House really does go into a lot of philosophical questions in many episodes. One such episode being the entire premise of my blog. So yeah, I'd say that I'm pretty excited to do this.

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