Wednesday, July 3, 2013

5 bands I want to see in concert, pt. 2

I'd like to believe that I've come a long way since the first concert post I had, almost two years ago. Not only have my musical tastes changed, but I feel a deeper connection to music than I had two years ago. And it's definitely something that is perfect to come out in the form of concert. I've toyed with the idea to blog about the best concerts I've seen, but I want to remain ambitious with my concert-viewing pleasures. Alas...

1. Foo Fighters. I don't regret many things, but not seeing them in November of 2011 is absolutely something I wish I did. From what I heard, it was an amazing concert, and I would have loved to have been there. What I knew two years ago is that I didn't want to be behind the stage - I wanted to see it all in front of me - and that's still true today, so whenever I get around to seeing Foo Fighters...that is, whenever they get around to not being on hiatus, I will damn well make sure it counts.

2. Explosions In The Sky. This is somewhat of a cop out, since Vicki and I are already planning on seeing them in a month, but when I was talking about that "deeper connection to music," I meant this. I literally feel as though EITS is a part of me, something that I must give in to. I can guarantee that there will be a blog post about this concert when we go see it, so I'll leave the love-fest short-lived here.

3. Young the Giant. What I love about Young the Giant is that every single one of their songs sounds totally different from all the other ones. They just seem like a bunch of guys who have a lot of fun together, and I think that they would be a really good show. But I'd have to see just them. None of this festival nonsense. Kind of a theme for any concert I'd be seeing, actually. I want the night to be theirs so I can take in as much of it as I possibly could.

4. Imagine Dragons. I saw them in late February, and it was a great show at the House of Blues. But this was at a time when I knew only five of their songs; now, I know about seven. I would definitely make sure I knew everything by the next time I saw them, which could have been this July 24th, but the show is already sold out. At the Bank of America Pavilion, too, which is one of my favorite places to see a concert.

5. Coldplay. It bothers me somewhat that the five bands here are a subset of my favorite bands, but I mean, you'd want to see your favorite bands in concert, right? Coldplay was absolutely a spectacle. I would see them a hundred times over, and then a hundred times more. I don't think I could ever get bored of watching Coldplay live. I can't imagine that Coldplay gets bored of being Coldplay, either. They're at the point in the career where I could talk about them for an entire post, and how their music has changed, but I'll leave their mention in this space for the mere atmosphere of their show, and how incredible it is. Seriously, it was just straight up awesome.

So there it is. I could probably push this to ten bands I want to see, but it would just be more of me listing my favorite bands, and then talking about what it would be like to see them in concert. Concerts are cool in the sense that we get to experience a band's music with them, with other people, all at the same place at the same time listening to the same thing. The collective nature of concerts is what makes them so appealing for me, where the entire crowd is singing the chorus at the same time, or something like that. It's powerful to feel everyone experiencing the same thing you are, but knowing that everyone is experiencing it in a completely different way.

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