Thursday, December 13, 2012

Time, pt. 7

Think about this question for a second...what would happen if we decided to move one day from December to November?

No, seriously...what if November had 31 days, and December had 30? What would change? The weather on November 31st should be exactly the same as all the old first days of December. Sure, everything in December gets bumped a day in the calendar week, but January 1st is still on the same day. Who even decided what months get 31 days? Why the hell does February only have 28? Why is any of this even a thing, if nothing other than arbitrary assignments to words to represent something that we have absolutely no control over? Does anyone really think that us calling something "July" means that the Earth faces the Sun for longer periods of its rotation? Where does this get us? Why do months and days in a month exist? What's their practical use, if nothing other than reminding us of something we could be perfectly capable of existing in on our own?

I came across something a couple of days ago, and I was really intrigued/frightened by it, because it's absolutely true. And seemed like something that fit exactly into what all my "time" posts are about. I've posted it below. If I ever become someone who owns a study and just reads books for fun (doubtful, but not ruled out), I want to read about how time doesn't exist. Because I don't think it does. Time itself does not exist...merely the assignment of words and numbers to represent what we cannot control. What happens if we strip those assignments?

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