Thursday, December 13, 2012

Failure is not an option

I have some semblance of a theme in my blog where I post something near the start of finals, offering some sort of little reminder about them. And by theme, I mean I did it once. But here's something else. Might be for me, might be for you, might be for your friend. Might not be for anyone. I thought of a couple cool things to blog about this morning, but I have two finals tomorrow that I should be probably studying for. But let's be real...

Let's say you're taking a final in one of your upper-level major courses. Why worry about that? Would you really pick a major that you absolutely sucked at? Chances are you're pretty good at what you do, which is more than half the reason you ended up with this major anyway. Sure, your major might be getting tough now, but whose isn't? There's a reason you've stuck with it up until now, and this is just one more hump along the way.

But I have finals outside of my major, too! Alright, well you've been working with it all semester, right? You know a hell of a lot more about it now than you did in September. It's like in college basketball (or any sport, really) where freshmen aren't really freshmen at the end of the year, since they've been playing all year long. That's you, but over the course of a semester with this class. You don't know nothing, trust me.

But there are just so many and so little time to study for them...see above. What if we all actually need way less time studying and more time not worrying about the lack of time to study? If you don't know something at this point, your best-case scenario is that you somehow find a way to memorize it for the final, and then forget whatever it was by Christmas. It'll all be okay.

But...but nothing. Finals come, and finals go. Everyone's all caught up in the fact that finals are looming over everyone, especially once Thanksgiving break is over, but think about it. You take them, and then they're done. Finals aren't something you can put off. You can't prolong having to write a final paper, because the semester will literally end before you can do that. And you will have submitted your final paper. You will have taken that test. It's okay. It's okay right now, it'll be okay in a couple of days in the middle of your finals, and it'll be okay once all your finals are done. Because then it's Christmas! the world will end!

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