Sunday, February 20, 2011

Second Nature

For only the second time I enter a blog post without a title in mind. The first time I did this, it was a pretty common blog post about how I wished it were already the weekend. This post is a little different.

How are we different online? Online including but not limited to texting, blogging, Facebook, email, etc. How do we conduct ourselves online that differs from our face to face conduct? It's something that I think is really cool to think about. As far as the general public goes, I think there's a difference - while I can picture you saying what I am reading in front of me, sometimes 1) your message isn't conveyed the way you want it to be, or 2) I infer something incorrect from your tone. And that's why I try things online, talk online exactly the same way as I speak. Like take the ...take even the first 3 words of this exact sentence. If I was talking to you in person then I would have said "like," but online, I could easily remove the first word of that sentence and have it be more sound as a sentence. But I think that that loses the naturalness of conversation and using the written word. I think that if we manipulate how we translate our thoughts into words online, then we create an artificial representation of our thoughts, a representation that isn't exactly what we were thinking.

And speaking of what we're thinking (by which I mean what I'm thinking)...I still lack a title for this post. I don't usually like traveling down the "let's use the first line like in a poem or church hymn as our title" method, and instead I like finding some witty relevant remark. But like I said...I got nothin. Hm, I think I have one. Second nature (as you well know by now). Because think about it - using words to communicate ideas has become second nature to society - the proof is in the pudding (that may not at all be the right place to use that phrase...but hey, when in Rome...). So let's go with that.

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