Friday, January 10, 2014

What happens over winter break...

...gets sent out to the entire Internet universe via blog post. In reality, it isn't much anyway, but I figured I would wrap up my last winter break ever with a blog post of a complete arbitrary nature. Which is exactly what we're all about here.

I finished the third season of Breaking Bad about half an hour ago. People have been saying that it's the best TV show of all time, so obviously I had to check it out. What I will say is that it might be the most captivating show out of the ones I've seen. The Big Four as far as TV dramas that I've watched are House, Lost, Dexter, and now, Breaking Bad. And I'll let Breaking Bad be the most captivating. I learned the most from House (otherwise I wouldn't have dedicated an entire section of my blog for it). Lost was the one that I was most dedicated towards. (Anybody who watched the show as it aired on ABC knows that it was a strenuous six-year relationship, but worth it in the end.) Dexter seemed like a mystery show at times, but I can't say anything with conviction about the show right now. Maybe I need to rewatch it, but even then, the seasons are so discrete that I could probably get away with watching my favorite seasons (4 and 6 are really the only two that are above the rest).

Why do people say "In case you were wondering..."? I thought about this the other day. If I were wondering about something, I would have thought about it to the point where the information you're about to tell me is review. It should be "In case you weren't wondering," right? Like "Hey, you probably never thought about this, so..." or something like that. I'm gonna start saying that and maybe it'll catch on or something.

I entered my second month of Spotify Premium (first as a paying customer) last week, which means that I have lots of cool, new music to get into. Not that that music didn't exist before, but my ways of accessing it were limited. I'm more into Dave Matthews Band than I was, I put together a playlist of songs from House (thanks to this website), and I'm getting into music that I never thought I'd listen to. I definitely recommend it if you think you're serious enough about music to pay $10 a month for it.

My room is getting destroyed fairly soon, apparently. My parents are moving in and breaking walls down, which means I get their current room, more spacious and stuff. But looking at everything in my room has made me realize that I don't really need any of it. I don't need all of my high school awards that reinforced me being good at math...I know I'm good at math. There are a lot of books that I'm just never going to read, too. I'm very okay with imagining getting rid of a lot of stuff, because I like the idea of having little. Two years ago I blogged about 38 things that represent me, and I remember from The Gospel According to Larry that he only had 75 items to his name, or something like that. This is what 9th-grade English courses are for.

Fun fact, if you Google "the gospel according to," then Larry comes before Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This gets its own paragraph because it makes me happy, independently of 9th-grade English classes.

This is my fourth blog post of the month, which means I'm on pace for twelve in January. The only other time I've blogged in double-digits since November of 2012 was this past August. Hopefully I can make it to ten this month.

Well, that's it for now. As always, thanks for reading, and if you just skipped everything to see what the last thing I would say would be, well, this is it.

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