Monday, April 15, 2013

The Earth is (not) a cold dead place

How can someone do this? I don't even know where to many questions with answers that seem to have been lost in the abyss of the's things like this that completely support the psychological tendency for us to value bad more than equal good. Yes, there are police officers, medical staff, volunteers, and plenty of other people doing whatever they can to help others, to help complete strangers. But the simple fact of the matter is that none of this would have been needed if not for the preceding events.

In high school, I was cynical as all hell, and it was awesome. House was my hero, but even he had his moments where he wanted the universe to work things out the way it should. I think that in college, I've been progressing farther away from cynicism, and believing in the universe and humanity and all that stuff, but there's still been some cynicism left over. Cynicism that comes out in full force when things like this happen. How can we believe in the universe when things like this happen? Like I said, we can look to the reactions and efforts after the fact, but the fact that it happened to begin with is what's most demoralizing. There are moments when I certainly believe that the Earth is not a cold dead place, but this is a time of the complete opposite belief. I guess all that means to me is that we're somewhere in the middle, our beliefs victim to the universe's operations.

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