Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Highlights from Easter break

Well it's seemed like a long time since my last post, but it's only been...well, a week actually. Never mind. It has been a long time since my last post. But that's because a lot has happened, and I haven't had the time to blog recently. Vicki came to Watertown for all of Easter break, and it was the perfect combination of relaxing, productive, and active, until we got back to Stonehill yesterday. Here are some fun things that happened:

- We saw Titanic in 3D. More importantly, I cried my eyes out three times watching Titanic in 3D. Which says a lot about this girl - we watched the movie last year one night and I didn't cry at all. Obviously things have changed, and equally as obviously, for the better. Things changed for me too, however - I'm now able to hold on to scenes and quotes in movies that are incredibly powerful.

- Even though they lost the first three games of the season, it was still good to see the Red Sox back in action. Sort of. At least Lester got off to a good start. More on the beginning of the 2012 campaign in a different blog post.

- We hold Easter at our house every year, so it was nice to see all my relatives in one place, talking, catching up, and eating with all of them. Cadbury Creme Eggs are literally the greatest thing ever, too. Best thing about Easter, for sure. Not to mention the endless amount of food and dessert we had.

- Vicki and I also finished some work, too. I wrote a seven-page Sociology paper. She finished an eighty-page book. No big deal or anything. I happen to think it's a very good paper, too. (Editor's Note: Hehe.) In all seriousness though, props to her for completing it. Vicki also worked on her friendship bracelets, which was for another project in Creative Process. I thought of something to do if I ever take that class, which I definitely hope to. The project is something that "puts fire in your belly," as Vicki told me when she learned of the assignment. What I think would be awesome is to take pictures from various places, with the catch being that they are all really high up. I've become increasingly afraid of heights, and looking over railings and ledges where I might fall dozens of feet. It's just a bad feeling for me. So for the project, I would take pictures from up above, ultimately sending my heart up through my throat, but hey...isn't that the point?

I have a piece of advice for everyone, too. If you think of something good, cool, interesting, useful, whatever...immediately write down as much of it as you can. I felt like I had a lot more to say about the weekend, and was going to blog either yesterday or Sunday, but put it off until today. Do things as soon as you think about them.

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