Saturday, December 27, 2014

5 TV shows I want to start watching

Turn back the clock one year, when I was watching four or five episodes of Breaking Bad a day. I was captivated, I needed more, and after finishing rewatches of House and The Office, I need to watch some new material. Here are five shows I've been thinking about watching:

1. House of Cards
It seems to me that if one show had taken over Breaking Bad's you-need-to-watch-this-now title, it's House of Cards. And as was the case with Breaking Bad, I would be showing up late to the party with House of Cards. But apparently it's epic. My one reservation about picking it up is that I don't really like waiting long periods of times for new episodes - sure, the entire season is released at once, but there's still a cold period between seasons. Although Kevin Spacey might be my favorite badass actor.

Case in point for BBT - who are those two chicks on the left?
2. The Big Bang Theory
I have always been sort of a fan of this show, but not to the point where I've following it for more than a week at a time. Half-hour episodes are easy to binge through (see: the 9 seasons of The Office I watched in two months), and I've always been meaning to catch up on this show. There's just more of it to catch up on now.

3. Modern Family
Again, something I've very late to the party to. The handful of episodes I've actually seen are awesome, with that mockumentary-style that made The Office so hilarious. I feel like I'm doing a disservice to society by not having seen every episode of this series, but again, once I catch up, it's waiting every week. Which might be okay with this show since it's not as drama-driven as Lost or House.

4. The Following
This was one that I was thisclose to watching from the pilot episode, when it was on TV every week. Little did I know that it's still on TV every week, which is a nice surprise to see a new show on FOX stick around for a while. Serial killers are incredibly fascinating to me, as well as the psychology behind getting a following of people to help you out. If Dexter became one of my favorite shows, I have faith in this one.

5. The Simpsons
My work might be cut out for me on this one....more than a few episodes that would need to be watched. This is such a classic show though, that at some point it's going to have to be done. I feel like I will achieve a whole new level of weird if I've seen every Simpsons episode. Look out, world.

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