Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Potentially the worst thing ever

So I really hate fire drills. I say fire drills over fire alarms because 1) a fire drill implies a fire alarm, and 2) you expect the alarm coming once you see a fire truck or something outside. Once the alarm goes off, I can bear it, because it's just loud noise...I sometimes even harmonize with it haha. But the worst part is anticipating the alarm going off, because you know it's going to be loud and you know it's going to happen, but you just don't know when. And that sucks.

And of course, the fire drills are going to happen at the beginning of the year, because of the fire codes and what not. So when I was walking into Villa this morning, I saw a fire equipment van outside and began nervously awaiting the alarm. To the point where I put my Bose headphones on to block out some sound...yeah...then I endured a shower of hoping it wouldn't go off while I was wet and naked. Luckily, so far all that's happened is the elevator alarm (I think) going off for one second...luckierly, I don't have a fire alarm in my room, so it's just the noise in the hallway that I'd hear. Although I'm not sure how lucky I'd be if there were an actual alarm...I dunno. Fire drills suck. I don't want to have one. Ever. I know how to walk out of my building. And if worse comes to worse, I can fit through my windows...right?

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