Tuesday, August 11, 2015

This is all we get

So I just read an article on Arian Foster, Houston Texans running back, and his lack of faith. It's interesting that in those three words, lack of faith, all of these preconceived notions come into play. And you might have absolutely no idea who Arian Foster is. It's an important article, and one worth reading. Here's a link to it.

I'm a big fan of the idea that this is all we get, this life. To me, the question of anything existing after us, or anything having existed before us, doesn't matter. It's a conversation I'm willing to have with anyone, because I love hearing about others' beliefs on these sorts of things, but to me, that conversation isn't going to change how I live my life, or how you live yours. To pull a line from one of my favorite episodes of House, "Three Stories," "I find it more comforting to believe that this simply isn't a test."

There's a video with some great scenes from House that deals with religion, but it seems to have been deleted since I last watched it. So, here's a consolation video. House is an atheist, if you didn't know, and for the record, I'm listening to a band called This Will Destroy You, the members of which are anti-theist. It's just interesting, all of these facts. This is all we get.

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