Sunday, January 19, 2020

Texting bad, pt. 2

It's amazing how many times Walter does or doesn't almost get pulled over

Dude Tuco is a fucking madman

There's gotta be a YouTube video of every scene Tuco is in and it's gotta be fucking wild

It's tough, because Walter really does care about his family, but he's also a huge asshole and criminal, but also also it's not like he can tell his family what he's doing

I didn't realize Ted (from I.F.T.) came into the picture so early. Literally; Skyler was looking at a picture of him in one of the episodes a couple back

Also is Walt wearing green ever explained? I know Marie wearing purple is a thing but I feel like no one talked about Walter always wearing green

Man the first "that's church yo, for real" from Skinny Pete hits so good

Hank's anxiety really doesn't get explored as much as it could've been

Holy shit Breaking Bad really took it from "one of our three dealers got murdered" to "let's go work with a multi-million dollar corporation" in the same episode

Here's what's good about waiting five years to rewatch - you know Walt misses the birth of his daughter, but you forget that Beneke was there with Skyler and then the camera pans to show him and BOOM

They do a good job of making some of the secondary relationships in S2 seem important in the moment but are really meaningless in the grand scheme

Some of the best shows elevate characters and elevate the plot so well. BB, Mr Robot, Lost all have these plateaus where it stops being all about doing heroin in an apt, or getting off an island

It's probably later than it should've been, but the moment I start really hating Walter is when he lets Jane die. Like yeah he cries and is visibly upset, but he also has that Heisenberg look in his eyes and it's probably the first moment where you're shocked at how far he's let this go

Like even missing the birth of his daughter kind of made sense

The writing and acting in Prison Mike's first scene is incredible. Does an amazing job of getting us to buy in immediately that he's good at what he does

Fuck man the Skyler scene when she leaves after finding out Gretchen and Elliot didn't give a dime and he never saw his mom, I think I'm rooting for the damn bitch now

3x3 Hank's in the bar with Gomey and he spots the druggies. Quick anxiety flash in the bathroom

For all the things Walter did, getting Saul's assistant to help make up Marie being in the hospital might be the coldest

And what a great foil it is that Hank leaves his work to go see her in the hospital, when Walter missed the birth of his daughter for his work

Ah okay in the episode where Hank kills Threeco (the shootout in the parking lot of the supermarket where absolutely no one calls the police (although it did go quickly enough that they reasonably couldn’t get there in time)) also has Hank telling Marie about his anxiety after killing Tuco

Yeah the fly episode is definitely the worst episode. Maybe of any TV show

Yeah the prison Mike half measure story was great

It's a subtle move - possibly not even enough to call it foreshadowing - but the beginning of the song that plays for Gus's final walk, those drum beats appear ever so slightly in some other scenes where you'd think someone was going after someone

But like don't you just want to take a baseball bat to Skyler's head

If it helps, I'd get some satisfaction from throwing Hank off a cliff with all his minerals, too

I do remember saying the first time around that I'm not really rooting for anyone at a certain point, and this is probably it

Yeah the "someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family" line is lethal

Yeah still totally in disbelief over the hospital with all of Fring's / Mike's / Jesse's blood just in case

Bill Burr and Hewell are an excellent team

Yeah fuck Gus fixing his tie before he falls over and dies

Still love how Skinny Pete is out-of-nowhere a stellar pianist

"and wait...for the cancer to come back" is another fucking lethal line

"there are heists where the guys get away, and there are heists that leave witnesses" Breaking Bad quote that sounds like it could be in GTA

Still unsure if "say my name" or "you're god damn right" is cornier

Like imagine if Hank only had to go number one

Yep it was To'Halijee that's the episode with Hank catching Walter in the desert and the shootout with Todd's family. That's the one that made me want to finish the series in one shot. Ozymandias is the next after that then one more then Felina

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