^ That's when I can move back into Stonehill for the year. Or at least it was when I started this post. I'm considerably far less packed than I was at this point last year...I don't even know where to start/how I even did it last year. I suppose what would be a good start is to rid my room of any clothing that I know I'll never wear, and then separate what's left into school/home clothing. And then bring my sweatpants, of course, my lone pair of jeans, and anything else I can think of. Next would be knickknacks (
Editor's Note: No way should there be that many k's in "knickknacks."), which I could probably start this weekend, because I won't be using any of them in my room, since they're purely for swagification. The big stuff like bedding and....whatever else constitutes as big stuff, I'll prolong until probably next weekend. I've already got some sweet posters for the room, too.
And by posters, I mean stuff I got at Game 6 of the Stanley Cup, and a sweet poster of Kevin Youkilis that Vicki and I stole...borrowed from the T one time. Which reminds me - I'll also be bringing my xBox, so me and James can play NHL11 four times a day. Which will be good, because I've used my xBox probably six times since I graduated high school.
But if realizing that there aren't a lot of days left until I'm at school for the year, then meeting up with Vicki at school last night definitely did it. I can also safely say that I can get to and from school sans GPS now (granted, it's all highway and all I have to do is remember where to get off two exits), and that I'm mega pumped to be living at Villa this year. Especially when I can walk 20 feet to the study room, look out the window, and see Corr and New Hall and how majestic those buildings are. (Disclaimer: majestic really isn't the first word I would use to describe those res halls. I just can't think of anything, so I revert to sarcasm.) And with people I know in Corr and New Hall, I'm sure I'll be getting to see the majesty of it from the inside, too. (Second Disclaimer: I'm starting to not like "majestic" as a description. Oh well.)
But for now, I must wait. 10 days, 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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